Let Your Dream Begin

Events and Weddings, trends, suggestions, & tips from Encantare owner Brynn Freal.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Relationships & Trust

As I mentioned in a prior post, it's an Encantare policy that we don't accept kickbacks or "commisssions" from vendors we send clients to for portions of their event services.

However, there are vendors with whom we have established relationships that we do like to take client to because we have a history of work with them where they have delivered on their obligations creatively & professionally.

Good business is very much driven by relationships and the amount of trust, or distrust within that relationship.

Building trust between human beings (and therefore companies) takes time, and is only proven by the level of work done over that period of time. There is no other way to obtain trust.

That being said, that trust is also one of the reasons that I'm happy to work with Brynn's business. It's not just that I'm her husband "being supportive."

This is also one of the primary reasons that I'm glad to have Brynn's support with Vino Veritas. She has contributed much to the space and resource planning that will help make the event spaces at our facilities highly functional and easy to use for events.

Most people who know me know that I tend to be pretty black or white about whether something is actually good or not good and it's because I think Brynn & her staff are very good at what they do that I support and try to help Encantare continue to grow.


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